
英語の200 語ってどれくらい?実際の文章を紹介

英語の200 語ってどれくらい?実際の文章を紹介




・1文あたりの単語数 : 10-20単語
・1段落あたりの文章数 : 5文程度







海外のウェブサイトに、英語の単語数ごとにたくさんの記事をまとめてくれているAll Essaysというサイトがあります。




Christmas is a holy festival of Christians. Every year on December 25, Christmas is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Jesus Christ. All the Christians celebrate this festival with great devotion and loyalty. One of the major attractions of Christmas festival is 'Christmas Tree'.

On the occasion of Christmas, the Christmas Tree has special significance. A Christmas Tree is a decorated tree, usually an evergreen conifer such as spruce, pine or fir, traditionally associated with the celebration of Christmas. Decoration of Christmas Tree is one of the most important preparations before December 25th. Adults, Kids, Veterans all are involved in the decoration of the Christmas Tree. Candles, toffees and a great variety of cakes are tied with ribbon and paper napkins to the tree.

Christmas Tree in ancient times was considered a symbol of the continuity of life. It is believed that evil spirits away from the house and keep the flow of positive energy. There are many size of Christmas Tree available in the market. Some are cheap and some very expensive too. Christmas tree is one of the most popular traditions associated with the celebration of Christmas. It is a symbol of the promise of life to come after months of cold winter.

引用元:All Essay - Short Essay on 'Christmas Tree'(200 Words) 



'Abraham Lincoln' was born on February 12, 1809 in Kentucky (United States). His father's name was Thomas Lincoln and mother's name was Nancy Hanks Lincoln. He was born into a poor family, who did not have a good home to live in nor any means of getting education for children. Lincoln used to seek books from different places and read at night in the light of the stove fire and gained knowledge. He was self-educated and became a lawyer.

Abraham Lincoln became the President of America. He was the sixteenth President of the United States. His tenure was from 1861 to 1865. He was a skilled politician as well as a book-lover, serious thinker and writer. He saved the country from being divided into two parts forever and also freed the country from the horribly inhuman slave system.

Abraham Lincoln overcame America with its greatest crisis- the Civil War. Lincoln owes the end of slavery in America. He was assassinated on April 15, 1865. Lincoln is remembered as the martyr hero of the United States and he is consistently ranked as one of the greatest presidents in American history. Lincoln Memorial is one of the most visited monuments in the nation's capital.

引用元 - All Essay - Short Essay on 'Abraham Lincoln' in English (200 Words)



The students welcome a holiday from school with hilarious joy. They plague the headmaster on the last excuse to let them off their lessons. It would be more in place to try to convince them of the necessity of work and study. There is not much need of proving to most schoolboys that holidays are necessary. They are quite convinced that they are-- and most desirable, too.

Holidays at proper intervals are especially necessary for young people. It is also necessary for those engaged in hard mental work. Continuous mental work, without a break, will injure the health, and may cause a nervous break-down. A short holiday, rightly used, will send us back to our work with renewed zest and vigour.

How can a holiday, then, be best used, so that at the end of it we shall come back to our work with energies renewed. We should avoid unhealthy amusement, keep early hours and get plenty of refreshing sleep. Change of occupation is a rest. We should do a little regular work that we take an interest, it will make our holiday not only healthier but more enjoyable.

引用元:All Essay - Short Essay on 'Holidays' (200 Words)







改行なし 400語




改行あり 400語






・1段落あたりの文章数 : 5文程度
・1文あたりの単語数 : 10-20単語


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英語学習カウンセラー。社会人になってゼロから英語を学び直した人。TOEIC 920点。カナダで約4年間で働いた経験あり。実際の体験から、初心者の方向けの勉強法、オンライン英会話に関するお役立ち情報を発信中。
